New Car Repairs

I had to get a car because my #2 son wasn't going to let me borrow his car forever. That kind of behavior wears thin very quickly.

At any rate, a friend of my son's had a car he was willing to sell, so I bought it. And it promptly quit working. Now, I admit that the car is older (a 1994) but after less than a week, I was stranded at the dry-cleaners. I called #2 to rescue me and he arrived, looking so official in his Air Force uniform and proceeded to get my car running so I could take it to the autoparts store.

Then, we bought the alternator and he told me he would change it out for me. OK.

Now, to fix this car, he had to acquire a number of tools he didn't own, so off the store where you buy that kind of thing for tool shopping. He loved it.

He bought sockets, wrenches, a crow bar and a bendy-tool that makes your socket bend in odd directions to reach those hard to reach bolts. Two days, he shopped until he bought enough tools to make an Indy 500 Pit Crew happy. Then, he changed the alternator, getting his hands totally greasy and having his new tools spread around him like he was a child in a play pen and he had all of his favorite toys within reach.

For that's what it was... his favorite new toys.

#2 announced that he was a tool box for Christmas and he will paint a note on the top that says, "#2 ONLY." Guy's tool.

He took the old alternator off the car and put the new one on and never once got to use his new bendy-tool. So, he invented a reason to use it.

#2: I am going to have to go through this entire engine until I find something to take off with my new bendy-tool.
Me: It has to be a guy-thing.
#2: It's like when a woman buys a new blouse. She has to wear it really soon. It is necessary.
Me: Ok. Just don't take apart something you can't fix.
#2: What? I'm a guy! I can fix cars. This is totally a guy thing. You have to be able to work on cars or you can't be a real guy.
Me: Which has saved me from having to know anything about it. Fixing cars is something I never wanted to know how to do. So, they invented guys and guys fix cars. As long as there are guys on this planet, I won't have to know how to fix a car. I just have to know how to ask for help.
#2: Oh, look! I can use my bendy-tool to tighten the thing-a-ma-bob.
Me: I'm so happy for you!
#2: I need to call Clover. Look! I fixed my mom's car!
Me: You feel all manly and stuff and that's why you have to call your woman?
#2: Yeah! You know. Strut around a little bit. Show off.
Me: Kinda like a peacock showing off his feathers for the ladies.
#2: Exactly.
Me: Except human peacocks don't have beautiful feathers. They have greasy hands and a bendy-tool.
#2: Whatever works.


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