How to Give a Pill to a Cat, Part B

Everyone likes to feel as if they are the master of their domain and I did, until it was time to attempt another round of medication for THE CAT. Evelyn and I are matching wits and the big question is, which one of us will prevail.

For round two, I ignored her. I pretended my precious baby didn't exist for several hours, hoping to disarm her with inattention. But, she was too wise for that maneuver. As soon as I picked her up, the game was afoot once again. Number One Daughter and I wrestled the villain to the kitchen floor and the my daughter SAT on her. That's right, she sat on the cat, effectively pinning her to the floor. (Now, I realize this sounds cruel, but Number One Daughter actually knelt on the floor with the cat between her knees and angled her feet so that the cat couldn't back out of the impromptu prison) Number One opened the cat's mouth and I stuck the pill as far down her throat as I could. Number One held her mouth closed for at least a minute.

We didn't let her go, just in case. That was one of the best ideas we had. Evelyn spit the pill on the floor, except now it is wet and slimy and the cat is PISSED. I mean she is hissing and growling and howling like a banshee. I am beginning to fear for Number One's life, although the cat is still subdued. Number One can't stay on the floor of the kitchen forever and as soon as she lets the cat up, there may be consequences.

Once again, we try the shove-the-pill-down-the-cat's-throat-while-sitting-on-her-in-the-middle-of-the-kitchen-floor technique. Success! She has swallowed the second pill, but she is no less angry than she was a moment before. Number One stands up, releasing the harpy who is still screaming her distress. Evelyn runs under the bed leaving a deep scratch in the kitchen linoleum. We haven't seen her since.

There has be a better way to do this without suffering blood shed or have damage to inanimate objects. If this keeps up, I am afraid that Miss Evelyn will move to another house where this sort of thing doesn't happen. I will ponder this problem today at work... hmmmmm.


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