Baggy Pants Review

Living in a metropolitan area as I do--I know it is metropolitan because I get stuck in rush hour traffic every day on my way to and from work. I am talking total gridlock because some buffoon's car breaks down and everyone in the State of Virginia has to drive by really slowly because most people here have never seen a broken down car before, thereby trapping the rest of us in suspended animation while we attempt to get to work on time. Hey, I actually did it once last week. There seems to be no difference in my leaving my house at 7:30 am or 8:15 am, I still am just as late to work. This somehow defies the laws of physics, I just haven't figured out how, yet.

It has to do with the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel that always has someone broken down in it just as if they try to start their car in the morning, and upon finiing it running really ragged, coughing and sputtering, they decide to take it for a spin through the tunnel just one last time before it dies instead of taking it to the car mechanic or the junk yard. So, the car breaks down in the tunnel and the rest of us have to wait until something can be down about it.--but I didn't come here to talk about traffic.

I want to talk about baggy jeans. Would someone, anyone, for the love of GOD, please explain the entire BAGGY JEANS concept to me? What made all those guys decide one morning to wear their pants around their freaking knees? What made them all collectively think it is cool, or a great fashion statement. I personally think if someone cannot find a belt in the morning to hold their pants up so the tops are somewhere between the hips and the waist, then maybe they should grab a piece of rope or tear a bedsheet into a thin strip. Because, when you wear your pants around the tops of your legs you look, in a single word, STUPID. Ok, I can think of other words, too: DEMENTED, WEIRD, UGLY, STRANGE, MORONIC. Did I mention ugly? Did I mention totally UN-SEXY?

I propose a solution to this problem. Girls, if a guy comes to pick you up for a date, don't go if he can't wear his pants right. Tell the idiot to take a hike because you want to date a guy who can at least wear his pants around his waist like someone kinda normal. If enough girls stop dating guys with baggy pants, then guys will finally, once and for all time, stop it.

This particular rant was prompted a guy who proposed that he and I "hook up sometime," as I waded through the mass of human flesh outside my front door just so I could get inside after battling with the tunnel traffic for an hour and a half, (I only live 30 miles from work) shake off the stench of the city and finally relax for a few minutes. I told him, "Not until you pull your pants up where they go and probably not even then because I already know you are too dumb to wear your pants properly and that will forever cloud my judgment of you."

He looked at me like I was the strange one.


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