
I actually spend little time watching TV and then I don't actually WATCH TV as much as listen to it. To see the TV I have to twist my neck to an almost Linda Blair angle over my right shoulder to see what the hub-bub is about on the screen.

You see, most of my waking hours are spent at the computer, doing something or other of interest or something or other designed to be monetarily enhancing.

So, Heroes starts a new season and they have introduced new characters who speak in their native tongue--namely Spanish. I am mono-linguistic, so I can't listen to the Spanish people and understand them, I have to stop what I am doing, rummage around for my glasses, twist my neck around to see the see the TV screen and then read the subtitles. It was bad enough with Hiro and his friend last season peaking Japanese, but now, I have to do this with another set of characters.

And to make things worse, the dialogue is bad, so I am doubly irritated by this.

Boy: I speak Spanish, my sister.
Girl: My brother, I speak Spanish as well.
Boy: And while I am speaking Spanish, I will watch out for you, my sister.
Girl: That is good, my brother, because I have a habit of killing dangerous people with just my mind, while I am speaking Spanish.
Boy: Yes, my sister, and as a result, everyone in Mexico has become bad guys because they are trying to stop you from killing people with just your mind, while they are speaking Spanish.
Girl: My brother, do they not understand that I am not doing it on purpose?
Boy: They do not, my sister. They are chasing us again.
Girl: Let us run across this field, my brother.
Boy: Have I told you I am tired of everyone chasing us, my sister?
Girl: Let's speak Spanish while we run, my brother.
Boy: All right, my sister.
Girl: Let us continue to speak Spanish in the forseeable future, my brother.
Boy: And when we stop running, we will speak Spanish some more, my sister.
Girl: Of course, my brother.


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