
Showing posts from 2010

Editing a Novel and Financial Aid

I have been working on editing my novel to get it ready to go to a publisher. It is tedious work and I am ready to start writing a NEW novel, rather than concentrating on the old one. Ah, well. In other news: At work, it is my job to help students (at a local culinary school) find the money to go to school through government grants, student loans, private loans, etc. If a student is under 24, they have to have their parent's information available to get the money from the government. On the phone with a prospective new student: Student: I'm not eleibigle for grants? Me: No. Your parents made too much money. S: But, I can get student loans? Me: Yes, but they won't cover all your tuition. S: So what do I need? Me: You need your parents to sign for a parent's loan. Unless they have bad credit, then you may be eligible for additional student loan money. S: I think my parents have great credit. Me: Well, you will have to use them to get a parent's loan. S: But, they don&

Writing a Novel

I have been away from my computer, as far as blogging goes, for a while now... I am not even certain how long. I have been writing. A novel. I don't want to blog about the how-tos of writing a novel, but what goes on behind the scenes, in the writer's head. Character development. Trying to get someone to read the bloody thing. All of the problems that go along with writing a novel. The one in question is about 80,000 words so far and I am winding it up. Just a few more chapters. Then, editing. I was out of work for a week and I erroneously thought I would get a lot written, but alas, that was not the case. I finshed two chapters when there have been days when I wrote a chapter a day. This novel is not a stand-alone creation, but at least a series of three books. So, I have a long way to go.