Next Stop, Saint Tropez

The Culinary Institute has a standard dress code. If the students are in the kitchen, they wear Chef's clothes: The black and white tweedy pants, the chef's jumper, a snood for their heads. (They get the chef's hat when they graduate.) They have inspections daily, checking for clean wrinkle-free uniforms, clean fingernails, clean black shoes. If they are in an acedemic class, the men wear black pants, white shirt and tie. The women wear black dress pants and a white blouse. It is a very neat school from a dress code point of view.

All that so I can tell you about a girl who came in to sign up for classes.

She had on a sundress that was VERY low cut and no bra and lots and lots of cleavage. I mean, she was practically naked from the waist up. I began helping her fill out her papers and was continally hit in the eye by this girl's rather well-endowed chest. Now, I don't normally go around looking at girl's boobs, but really. They were so out there. I would glance at her and think, "Oh crap, I looked at her boobs." Then, a second later, "Oh, crap, I did it again." Then, a second after that, "She probably thinks I am gay."

Worse, she came with her MOM and her DAD and I was embarassed because her Dad was sitting directly across from the girl and probably got an eyeful, too. I noted that he pointedly didn't look at the girl. "Wow, look at all those cook books on that shelf!" I am glad I had something for him to look at besides his daughter's chest.

The next day, the lady I work with was helping me with the girl's paperwork in that I am still in training. When we got to the girls papers:

CoWorker: Who is this girl?
Me: The one with the pink sundress.
CW: Who?
Me: The one who came in with her mom and dad.
CW: There were three girls here with their mom and dad. You need to be more specific.
Me: (sighing) The girl with the boobs.
CW: OHMYGOD! Did you see that?
ME: How could I help it?
CW: And in front of her father.
Me: I know!
CW: I couldn't look at anything else. I kept looking at her chest.
Me: How do think I feel? I was right there next to when she leaned over to sign papers.
CW: I would look then go, Oh, Crap! I looked.
Me: I did the same thing. Oh, Crap! I looked. She probably thought I am gay or something.
CW: I thought exactly the same thing.
Me: Well, at least when she starts to school here, she will have to keep that stuff covered up with her chef's jumper.
CW: For the first time in my life, I am really glad there are dress codes.


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