The Latest News

My new job is going well. It is so nice to be in a place where your employers really want you to be there. The service performed is invaluable to the school: Helping students arrange for financing so they can pursue their dreams of landing a job on the Food Network.

I am getting my own office this week. I have seen it. It is shiny and new and never been used. I am already breaking in a brand new, never before used computer. Also, my deskin my new office is right under a sky-light. It will be Friday before it is wired in so I can move there. (Jumping up and down and clapping my hands: Oh goody, goody, goody!)

The novel I have written is nearly ready to go to a publisher. Never give up! What a cool way to make money.

Working in a culinary institute will prove interesting because most of the instructors are CHEFS... oh, the possibilities.

Heard from a friend(?) who says that he doesn't want anyone to know that I know him, referring to his on-line presence on Facebook and MySpace. OK. Maybe not so friendly after all.

Finished the Divine Miss M's quilt and it is really pretty. I haven't heard from her Mom and Dad to find out any further details. I have been busy with my new job.

My neighbor stopped me in the parking lot:

Neighbor: How's it going?
Me: Really good. I got the new job at the Culinary Institute.
N: I thought so. You have been gone during the day.
Me: It is nice to have a regular job.
N: I am still laid off.
Me: Sorry to hear that. Any job prospects?
N: Yeah, I got one or two. Going for an interview tomorrow.
Me: I hope it goes well for you.
N: Hey, I wanted to ask, since you have a job and all. Can I borrow $10?
Me: I haven't gotten my first pay check yet.
N: Oh. OK. I just thought... you know... that since you were working and I am not that I could have some money.
Me: Are you trying to make me feel guilty?
N: Yeah, I am.
Me: Guilty for what? Because I have a job and you don't or because I have money and you don't?
N: Well, since you put it that way... Look, I am sorry.
Me: No problem
N: So, can I borrow $10?
N: Bad idea. Sorry.


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