Vowel Issues

Overheard in Starbucks:

Starbucks Guy: What's your name?
Customer: Craig
SG: Greg?
C: Craig
SG: Jeff?
C: Craig. CRAIG! C-R-A-I-G
SG: Oh. One of those names with all the vowels.
C: I keep fogetting to use Jim
SG: You should. A name just for coffee.
C: A coffee name?
SG: Yes.
C: What happens if I forget my coffee name when you get my coffee ready?
SG: We will keep calling out your name until you answer.
C: But, it won't be my name.
SG: Yes, it will. It will be your coffee name.
C: Just give me my coffee.
SG: Ok. I put Jim on the cup.
C: But, my name is Craig.
SG: Not today.
Me (to customer behind me): What's he going to do when I tell him my name is Sheila
C: Your name is Sheila?
Me: No, but I am going to tell him it is.
C: Why?
Me: I want to know what my coffee name is and if I give him a name with a lot of vowels, he will tell me.
SG (to me): What can I get for you?
Me: Cafe Latte Grande
SG: OK. And your name?
Me: Sheila
SG: Oh no, not again.
Me: What's wrong?
SG: Vowels. Nothing but vowels.
Me: So, what does that mean?
SG: I am putting SAM on the cup.
Me: But Sam is a guy's name.
SG: It is now your coffee name.
Me: But, I don't want to be Sam.
C: Well, I don't want to be Jim.
Me: I just wanted a cup of coffee. Not a name change.


Anonymous said…
I am just sitting here shaking my head. Oh well, I guess the world needs Starbuck's guys too.

Love the engineering story too.
Karen Pope said…
Hi Diva,

But that guy was so STRANGE. On the other hand, maybe if I were stuck in Starbucks as an employee, I would do something to make my day a little brighter, too.

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