Evelyn and the Ghetto Cat

I have mentioned my pretty cat Evelyn more than once in this blog. If fact, I should put her on the like of friends and family in the sticky post at the top of the page.

I felt sorry for Evelyn, being home alone all day, so I got her a friend Tiki. Tiki is a pretty girl Seal Point Siamese Cat. Now, since I brought Tiki home, she has hung out in my bedroom without the slightest inclination to leave. Eveyln has staked out the living room as her territory.

Tiki, like most Siamese cats, is very chatty and talks to me all the time. When Evelyn decides to join in the conversation, the Tiki begins to hiss and spit and go totally Ghetto on us. I mean she gets a terrible attitude and won't let Evelyn join in the fun. But, Evelyn is patient.

Yesterday, Evelyn returned to the bedroom and my bed,a place where she normally sleeps, which means I have Tiki on one side of me on the bed and Evelyn on the other. It could be a cozy arrangement except Tiki turns into Ghetto Cat at the drop of a hat and begins hissing and spitting and growling at Evelyn. This, of course, wakes me up.

Evelyn is such a cool cat she just looks at Tiki as if to ask, "What is your problem, girl friend?" I think this pisses Tiki off even more.

This morning Tiki came into the kitchen at feeding time and Evelyn wandered in, too. Tiki goes through her noise and runs out of the kitchen after treating Evelyn and I like we are intruders in her house. What? No way! Evelyn and I were here FIRST, Ghetto Cat!

I need a Cat Whisperer. Or I need kitty downers. Maybe I should slip some Benedryl into her food bowl. Or Valium. Yes! That is a great idea! (The Valium is for me, of course.)

But that isn't what I wanted to talk about.

I have been having a steady bad-hair-day since I moved to Virginia because I don't think there is a good hair dresser in Newport News or in Virginia Beach. I mean, my hair looks like crap. It is uneven and looks like I cut it myself in the bathroom mirror with a hack-saw or a butter knife. Anyway, even though DigitalJon asked me to grow it longer because I look better according to him, I am like "I can't take this horrible uneven MESS on my head one more second." I went to a new lady yesterday evening after I got off of work and...yes, you guessed it. She gave me a horrible hair cut. Now, not only is it horrible, it is short and horrible. Maybe I should just suck it up and accept the fact that I will have ugly hair for the rest of my life.

Unfortunately the next hair cut I get means shaving my head, to get it short enough to be even, so maybe I will just go with what I have.

I will NEVER, EVER use another hair dresser in Virginia again for the rest of my life. Enough is enough. Now, I have to get ready for work... fortunately it won't take very long to fuss with my hair this morning.


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