China Doesn't Want to Help Clean Up the Mess

I read a lot of news stories during the course of the week, often trying to find interesting or upbeat things to blog about at work... Have I mentioned that I get PAID to blog?  How cool is that?... Every now and then, I encounter a news story that makes me laugh out loud.

Have you heard the one where China says the West should bear the burden of cleaning up the atomosphere because the US has been doing it longer.  Although China has 20 of the 30 most polluted cities in the world as a result of using out-dated curde oil and coal methods of energy, they don't think they should take responsibility in any way for global warming.  After all, they are a developing nation and have only been polluting a few decades.

This is at the latest conference to attempt to get the world to cooperate in cleaning up the atomosphere... The Kyoto Accords didn't work because the US refused to sign any measure that didn't require China, India and a couple of other countries to help.

So, it worked once for China and they are hoping it will work again.  

I don't often offer strong opinions very often, but I think China is so wrong in their stance.  Everyone  of us has to live on this planet because, as of this morning, we don't have anywhere else to go. Everyone needs to treat this seriously and not just us wealthy, decadent, wasteful climate sinners who live in the US.

China, you help up clean up this mess or you can go to your room and no dessert after dinner!


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