The Sleep-over

It was a first for me. The Divine Miss M and her mom had a sleep over at my apartment on Friday. We made pizza and spinach dip. We ate ice cream and cookies. We watched Aladdin. We put on our jammies and went to bed.

Miss M is a very precocious 2.5 years old and very talkative. For example, here are a few classic phrases:

"Grammie, I am very happy to be here!"
"I made some eggs for you."
"Be careful, Grammie! It's very hot!"
"I love painting at school."
"I have the best mommy, ever."

We three climbed into my bed that is full size. Mom was quickly asleep, as was Miss M. But, Miss M likes to take up a lot of room on the bed and spreads out. I had scooted as close to the edge as possible and even risked falling out of the bed and fracturing one or more bones when I hit the floor. Finally, unable to get comfy enough to sleep, I went downstairs and slept on the futon in the livingroom, giving Miss M all the room she needed to sleep soundly all night long.

Upon waking, she asked her mom, "Where'd Grammie go?"

So they came downstairs and woke me up.

Then Miss M discussed the Aladdin movie and how the mountain was very scary. She pointed to the scary mountain over and over again and explained it all to me. Maybe some of the Disney movies aren't appropriate for very little kids.

Still, I had a marvelous time and would love to repeat it over and over, again.


Pizza, jammies and Aladdin? Nothin' better than that! Hi KayFour - Thanks for stoppin' by today!
Debbie said…
Sounds like a great sleepover. A lot of those movies are too scary for most little kids, I think. You've made me crave spinach dip!

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