
Me: What is that on the radio?
CoWorker: It is Lily Allen singing Alfie
Me: It sounds like a polka.
CW: It does, a little. I'm not digging it.
Me: It is a polka. You only hear polkas at weddings... right after everyone does the chicken dance.
CW: My nephew announced that he learned the chicken dance and the Macarena.
Me: He was bragging about that?
CW: He is five. I told him he was all set when he gets married.
Me: Who ever decided that the chicken dance and the macarena were great wedding dances? Or the polka for that matter?
CW: I dunno.
Me: When we get married again, we should insist on no chicken dance.
CW: We get married?
Me: That wasn't a proposal. Besides you are still married to your husband.
CW: Well, the way you said it...
Me: ....
CW: You did say it like you and I were getting married.
Me: But, I didn't mean it that way.
CW: Maybe we should get married.
Me: Yeah, maybe we should. We are far less trouble than men.


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