Profound Thought

On Sunday, I listened to a podcast by Garrison Keillor, "The news from Lake Wobegone." It was his Thanksgiving podcast so I was a couple of months late in listening. He talked about the huge feast that the female members of his family prepared and how everyone ate at least three times what they would normally eat because not to may hurt someone's feelings.

Then, GK said that being thankful for a huge feast was not what the holiday was all about. He quoted "I was naked and you clothed me, I was hungry and you fed me," referring to words Jesus spoke in the Bible. Then, GK said that it didn't matter what church you attended, what organization you pledged your alliegence to, if you followed the rules or not set down my your congregation's tenets and dogma. What really mattered was how we treat our fellow man. Garrison Keillor felt that was going to be the deciding factor about who got a positive reward and those who did not.

To that I say, "Truer words were never spoken!"

To treat others badly, means you will be treated badly. It is a simple idea. It is the law of physics. It is Newtonian. It is truth. What goes around, comes around.

So, remember this little bit of wisdom and treat everyone nicely, help others when you can, do good work.


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