Special Invitation

Today, I received a special iunvitation to attend a dinner some students were presenting. The Big Boss came to my office and asked if I wanted to go to lunch and I said yes, of course.

In the formal dining room, the students were showing off their cooking ability, their presentation ability, their ice sculpture ability and their table service ability. I was seated with another student named Chris and the Large Boss. We chatted amiably during the meal while we watched very nervous servers try to fill the water glass without spilling. The instructor was watching every move, of course.

After I returned to my office, my CoWorker asked me about the event.

CW: How was it?
Me: Very nice. I have a spring roll with a sweet chili sauce and beef with more spicy chili sauce.
CW: Sounds good. How did it taste?
Me: I don't know. After the first bite, my taste buds were permanently burned out of my mouth from the sweet chili sauce.


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