Gold Rush

Talking to one of my kids on the phone:

Me: You know there was a time when there was no kitty litter. Everyone had to use shredded up newspaper in a carboard box. No fancy plastic kitty litter boxes, either. Tin foil wrapped over a box. And shredded newspaper.
Kid: Wow. And I bet you had to walk to school in ten feet of snow. Uphill. Both ways.
Me: Actually, I grew up in Florida. Only five feet of snow... and hurricanes. I had to walk to school during hurricanes in ten feet of raging water.
Kid: Uphill?
Me: Yeah. Both ways. You should try that. Walking uphill when there is a torrent coming down the hill.
Kid: What's that got to do with kitty litter? I told you I needed to buy kitty litter and you start telling me about the good old days.
Me: It was the ultimate in recycling. People got rid of old newspapers at the same time as they filled their litter box. That was before kitty litter was invented.
Kid: I think kitty litter was discovered, not invented.
Me: So what? There were propsectors panning for kitty litter in California rivers?
Kid: That isn't what I meant.
Me: Kitty litter was invented. Back in 1948 by Ed Lowe. He is famous for it. I mean the only thing noteworthy the guy ever did was inventing kitty litter. He invented the name "Kitty Litter" and it has stuck. He was worth about a half billion dollars when he died.
Kid: How do you know this stuff?
Me: I must have read it somewhere.
Kid: Well, as I said earlier, I am hanging up so I can go to the store to buy some kitty litter.
Me: But, now you know more about kitty litter than anyone else.
Kid: Except for you. It was a question on Jeopardy, wasn't it?
Me: In the Category of Kitty Litter, Alex, for a thousand dollars...
Kid: No, that would be in the category of stuff only KayFour knows for a thousand dollars.
Me: You got me.
Kid: And to add insult to injury, you are going to blog about this.
Me: I hadn't thought of it... until NOW.
Kid: Just don't mention my name.


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