Humor in the Workplace

According to Mara Rose Williams of the Kansas City Star,

A class clown may be disruptive in school, but in the workplace a little humor is good for creativity, according to a University of Missouri-Columbia researcher.

Chris Robert, assistant professor of management in MU’s Robert J. Trulaske Sr. College of Business, said that humor — particularly joking about things associated with the job — has a positive impact in the workplace.

“The ability to appreciate humor, the ability to laugh and make other people laugh actually has physiological effects on the body that cause people to become more bonded,” said Robert.

That is really good news!

In a seemingly unrelated event, my New Car stranded me again, this time in the rain because the windshield wipers quit working... in the middle of the worse rainstorm this year. I call the lady at AAA to rescue me and we had a lengthy discussion as to the location of my car. "I got off of the highway (Interstate 64W) at the sign that said Military Highway. I made a right at the exit and then drove for about a 1/4 mile or so until I reached the back entrance of an airport. I don't know which one."

She got out her map and looked and pondered, trying to find out exactly where I was. "Ah, you are at the back gate of Norfolk International Airport."

"I am?" It was news to me.

"And you are not on Military Highway. You would have had to turn to the left to get there. You are on Robin Hood Road." Ok and whatever. I just wanted to be rescued.

Soooooo, the wrecker found me, took me to a repair shop and $197.00 later, my windshield wipers work, once again.

Three days later, a man in my office mentioned to me, "I have to go to the UPS place to pick up a golf club that I ordered. It is on Robin Hood Road. I have no idea where that is."

Of course I had a witty comeback for that. "It is really easy to find. I did it in the middle of the worse rainstorm of the year and without any windshield wipers. You should have no trouble finding it at all."


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