Baby Girls Always Wear Pink

My neighbor, Lionel, is still at it...

Li: We will find out tomorrow if Jean is having a boy or a girl.
Me: What do you want?
Li: I am still hoping for a girl.
Me: Have you changed your mind on the whole girls should never wear pink, thing?
Li: No. If it is a girl, there will be no pink in the house.
Me: Then, she will have to wear boys clothes. My granddaughter has almost nothing but pink stuff. Even her little jeans have pink flowers embroidered on them, or pink stitching down the side or something.
Li: But, no one looks good in pink.
Me: Every one looks good in pink. Pink is the color of human skin, regardless if it is dark or light. Pink makes you look younger because it brings out the nice pink tones in your skin. Little old ladies put pink lightblubs in their houses to make them look better. Pink is not an evil color.
Li: But, what if the baby is born with a red face?
Me: It will be red only if it is totally embarassed by it's parents.
Li: You mean, like making a little girl wear boys clothes?
Me: That would be one way, yes.

And in a related story:

#2 Son (The Divine Miss M's Dad): I was in the grocery store the other day with Miss M and a man told me she was a cute little boy.
Me: That's because her hair is still pretty short.
#2: I know that, but she had on a pink dress. A DRESS and the guy still called her a boy. I told him, "This is a girl. That is a pink dress she is wearing. It is not a light-red kilt."


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